


For You

Laser Hair Removal

We have all been inundated with information on laser hair removal: advertisements in magazines and newspapers, television news and documentaries. You might even know someone who has had laser treatments. And like the opinions in the media, their experiences and results have likely been varied. That's why it's important to be an informed consumer.

What is the FDA's official position?

The FDA states: "Permanent hair reduction is defined as the long-term, stable reduction in the number of hairs re-growing after a treatment regime. The number of hairs re-growing must be stable over time greater than the duration of the complete growth cycle of hair follicles, which varies from four to twelve months, according to body location. Permanent hair reduction does not necessarily imply the elimination of all hairs in the treatment area... Manufacturers may not claim that laser hair removal is either painless or permanent." 

Certain manufacturers have received FDA permission to claim, "permanent reduction"  (no one can legally claim "permanent hair removal"). Laser treatments with these  devices will permanently reduce the total number of body hairs. 

The FDA cleared the Light Sheer Diode for hair removal treatments in December 1997 and granted its claim for permanent hair reduction in April 1999.  Link to FDA Site 

Why work with the Light Sheer Diode laser?

The Light Sheer Diode is considered the “gold standard" of hair removal lasers. It was designed specifically for the sole purpose of hair removal and has a library of clinically documented successes. 

One important feature is that it has a patented chill tip that actively cools the skin during and after treatment pulses. This minimizes patient discomfort and enables higher treatment fluencies. The diodes hand piece allows compression within the area been treated, which collapses the blood vessels and brings the hair follicles closer to the skins surface. Resulting in the laser energy successfully reaching its target. 

How does laser hair removal work?

The principle behind laser removal is selective photothermolysis, i.e the matching of a specific wavelength of light, to a targeted tissue. With laser hair removal the target is melanin or pigment. There is an abundance of melanin located at the bottom of the follicle, which is where we want the thermal damage to occur. This will then result in delayed re-growth and a reduction in hair growth. 
The ideal wavelength for laser hair removal is between 700nm and 1000nm

Can anyone have a laser hair removal treatment?

No, although the laser is a very useful tool, it is not a "one-size-fits-all" solution. This is why at AS Electrolysis all clients are screened. There are many factors to consider, including:

  • Skin type of client
  • Skin conditions
  • Hair colour
  • Diameter (thickness) of hair to be treated
  • Sun exposure, including tanning beds
  • Light sensitive medications
  • Light sensitive herbal supplements
  • Keloidal scarring
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Pregnancy
  • Other medical issues

Additional Considerations

  • What previous hair removal methods have been used?  We need the follicles to be as full as possible since this is the laser's target.
  • Proper screening is particularly important after recent sun exposure. There can be a higher risk of burning the skin which can result in, hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation, Skin might appear to be having a normal reaction to the laser treatment during treatment but once healed there could be noticeable pigment change.
  • We do not recommend the laser for the removal of facial hair of cisgendered females. Based on numerous consumer reports and our own experience, we have found that hair disappears temporarily. However (possibly due to hormonal activity) hair frequently returns in the same area or in another location on the face. We strongly recommend electrolysis as a permanent solution in these situations.

To book your complimentary consultation please call: 416.466.9518